Rob Gray

I am a coach and facilitator who focuses on helping leaders connect their skills and experiences to their passions and purpose. I am quiet, calm, and collected and yet inquisitive and assertive…this combination creates a safe space and allows the client to be free to explore new thoughts and ideas and come to outcomes that work best for them. I love politics and studies in human improvement and leadership. I am a self-confessed political geek and enjoy keeping up with political elections and news from around the world.

I am married to Lara, and we have two boys – Tobey and Blair. Originally from Glasgow, Scotland, we now reside in the Metro Vancouver area of Canada.

Why Coaching?
I believe in and have experienced first-hand the powerful and empowering impact of great coaching for leaders and organizations who want to offer their best selves to and for the world.

Coaching specializations and audience:
Leadership, executives, human performance, and group and team coaching. I work well with people who are open and willing to be vulnerable and authentic, those who take ownership and responsibility for their decisions, and those who have a desire to grow and push beyond the confines of what may be expected so they can succeed and reach their goals.

Certified Leadership Coach – Essential Impact,
Professional Certified Coach – International Coaching Federation
Full Focus Planner Certified Pro
Core Strengths Certified Coach and Facilitator
Bachelor’s Degree (Honours) in Theology and Pastoral Studies
Master’s degree in Executive and Organizational Coaching
Certificates in: Building Coaching Cultures
Coach Approach to Facilitation
Coach Approach to Business Development

Professional Background:
I was a pastor for over 20 years, serving both in the UK and Canada. Since leaving local church pastoral ministry in 2017, I have worked as a Leadership Coach with hundreds of clients from a wide variety of industries, including healthcare, tech, finance, government and charitable organizations.