Oscar Amisi

Oscar Amisi is passionate about discipleship and leadership development. This passion has seen him spearhead different initiatives both in the market place and within the Church.

He is the lead consultant at SEEDitOUT a leadership consultancy with a mission to raise high impact practical servant leaders, equipping them with cutting edge skills to drive societal transformation. He is developing leaders through his SEEDitOUT leadership master class that runs in the city of Nairobi.

He leads M28 – a disciple making initiative that works with churches currently in Kenya and Zambia to entrench discipleship as a culture. He is a member of Institute of Directors Kenya (IOD) where he consults regularly on leadership.

He is an associate Pastor at Deliverance Church Umoja in Nairobi, Kenya. He also holds a Bachelor of arts degree in Bible and Theology from Global University, Missouri and is pursuing an online master’s degree in executive leadership.

Oscar is the author of Generation Y a book that equips leaders and influencers on how to engage and impact today’s generation both in the Church and the Market Place . He is also working on his next leadership book, SEEDitOUT – Leading across generations.