Doug Paul

In his day-to-day work as an innovation strategist, Doug works with organizations like the NewThing Network, ECO, Exponential, Auxano, 100Movements, as well as some of the fastest growing churches in the Western church. He’s the former Global Strategy Director for 3DM, has planted a multiplying missional church, was a Teaching Pastor at a mega-church and successfully led a church to become multi-site before multi-site was a thing. He catalysed a wave of discipleship that saw 6+ generations of disciple-makers. Doug has led, multiplied, coached or kick-started 5,000+ Missional Communities. In a former life he served as a ghostwriter for a successful content and training start up, while leading the content marketing strategy to sell more than 100,000 self-published books.

In addition to his work as a social innovation strategist, he serves as a pastor and elder of a local church in the inner city of Richmond, VA. It is a racially and socially economically diverse church, focusing their mission on two square miles of real estate that just happen to have the 6th highest concentration of poverty in the United States.